Tincture Roots
Using a Food-as-Medicine approach, Achieve Optimal Health using Nutrient-dense Products and Programs Combined with Extracted Properties of the Earth.
Resources Given To Us By Nature
Simple & Sustainable
Who We Are
Founded in 2023, Tincture Roots L.L.C. is dedicated to helping others implement nutritional solutions that may help diminish unwanted signs and symptoms, often associated with chronic diseases. ​All products are 100% Organic.
Naturopathic Counseling
A Personal Approach
Meet with our certified clinical nutritionist for personal recommendations using a holistic approach and continued ongoing care through TeleHealth sessions. Whitney will adapt the treatment to your specific condition, discomfort or needs. Book your appointment today.
Low- Glycemic Weight Loss Program
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Follow this nutrient-dense plan to achieve a weight loss of 2 or more pounds per week! The program includes a naturopathic consultation, customized recommendations, weekly check-ins to track progress, and the Metabolic Slim Down Program that includes vitamin snacks and herbal tinctures to stabilize blood glucose levels for easy, sustainable dieting.
My name is Whitney Pritchett
I have a Bachelor's in Communication Disorders and a Master's in Clinical Nutrition—My background is in weight loss. I specialize in using a food-as-medicine approach to achieve optimal nutrition status. I have a passion for helping others and a love for natural medicine. I envision a world of resourceful, self-efficient people using nature for its medicinal properties. I have created herbal extractions that coincide with nutrient-rich programs and naturopathic recommendations that are personalized to you and backed by up-to-date research. I focus on improving immune and cognitive function and maintaining a healthy weight.
Hours of Operation
Here When You Need Us
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 10:00pm
Saturday and Sunday
10:00am - 9:00pm